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Published in:   Vol. 4 Issue 1 Date of Publication:   June 2015

Mobile User Privacy Preserving Location based Queries and Preventing Location-Based Server Contents

Salman Siddiqui,Gambhir Halse

Page(s):   9-11 ISSN:   2278-2397
DOI:   10.20894/IJCNES. Publisher:   Integrated Intelligent Research (IIR)

The increasing trend of mobile smartphones and other location-aware hand-held (e.g. GPS) devices in recent years has gained tremendous and dramatic increase in popularity of Location-Based Services (LBS).In location based service (LSB), users with location aware mobile devices using mobile network infrastructures can query their surroundings from their current position anywhere and at any time. This includes queries to search for nearby places such as schools, colleges, hospitals, police station, specialized stores, nearest ATM machine etc.Now a days it is very easy for the user to gain access to a wealth of location dependent information by connecting to LBS servers. However, due to the sensitive nature of the location information accessed it raises a concern of potential intrusion on mobile users location privacy, theprivacy of users that access location-based services is at risk. Privacy of personal location information is becoming an increasingly important issue.