An Ad hoc network is a wireless device to communicate directly with each other and with the principle of multi-hop relaying in which messages are sent from the source to the destination through the intermediate hops. Multicasting is the delivery of a message or information to a group of destination computers simultaneously in a single transmission from the source. Multicast is referred as one sender to many receivers. In lusty system with eruption blockage, where eternity of silence are awaited between the surge of data, this multicast state sustainment includes a huge amount of interaction, processing and memory have no advantage to the relevance. Thus we have developed a protocol that is receiver based multicasting with their member address, packet headers to enable the acceptor to fix on the best path to move the multicast traffic. This protocol called Receiver-based Multicast, deed the knowledge of the geographic locations of the nodes to take off the need for expensive state conservation, making it ideally suited for multicasting in dynamic networks.