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Published in:   Vol. 1 Issue 2 Date of Publication:   December 2012

Signal Density Determination Using Clustering Classification in Mobile Network for Quality of Services

V. Khanaa,K.P.Kaliyamurthie

Page(s):   75-81 ISSN:   2278-2397
DOI:   10.20894/IJCNES. Publisher:   Integrated Intelligent Research (IIR)

This research is initiated for analysis of effective utilization of existing mobile network infrastructure. Currently, the researchers are working towards the software which is used for scheduling, optimizing the collision and noise; irrespective of available infrastructure. This proposed research is to study the existing infrastructure utilization and to determine the expansion of infrastructure or share with other service providers with in the government policy based on mobile network utilization density according to clustering classification.Mobile users are classified based on their registration and mobile utilization area. As per their mobile utilization, data are fetched from on process server and updated to the corresponding tables. The segregated tables data are calculated according to the dialer, receiver, call duration, status and updated to the transaction table for analysis purpose.