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Published in:   Vol. 1 Issue 1 Date of Publication:   June 2012

Low Cost Communication Link for Intelligent Public Transport System with Dynamic Protocol

Ranjana Dinkar Raut,Vineet Kumar Goyal, Nikhil Arora

Page(s):   31-35 ISSN:   2278-2397
DOI:   10.20894/IJCNES. Publisher:   Integrated Intelligent Research (IIR)

This paper is about research to provide the solution for optimization of use of public transport, better services to users and various options to management to improve transport system with cost effective. Many existing models for bus arrival prediction system, based on vehicle motion tracking with high cost equipments. Bus arrival Prediction Technology (BAPT) is the key technology of designing and implementation with low cost communication link and specialized protocol. With the help of GPRS based communication, the central station can connect the each bus station, and receiving all information about the current status of the every vehicle. Based on analysis of traffic density at central stand, it will update all bus stands with updated predicted time within stations. Specialized protocol designs in such a way that it communicate among buses, bus stands and central stand. It helps in bus failure detection system which improves transport management.